Saturday, January 12, 2008

Finally a Post

Hello all. It has been quite sometime since I have posted anything. It was a very strange holiday season for us. We had a great trip up to Duluth for Christmas. New Years Eve day we celebrated Grace's 7th Birthday. New Years Eve we spent some time with our friends Jeff and Le Que but our evening was cut short when our friend Emily died. She had just had lung surgery 4 days before and all that could go wrong did. She was 25 and we are still stunned and saddened. I helped with her memorial service this past Saturday and went into the hospital Saturday night. I came home Thursday afternoon and am scheduled to have another colon resection on February 7th at 1pm. I am looking forward to feeling better. During this last hospital stay they finally found the culprit to all of the blockages I have been having. There is a 9mm stricture where my colon was reattached 11 years ago. So I will have it fixed and feel like a new human! The really good news is the the Remicade is doing its job and the active disease looks to be reversed! Yay for Remicade! I am going to post some pictures of the kids being cute. Oh and we were scheduled to have Grace's birthday party today but she is on day 5 of a fever. Poor kid. But we are rescheduling to next Saturday and its going to be a dual party for her and her friend Briana. It will be a great time and I will post pictures next week!

Well Blogger is telling me it "is not able to post pictures at this time" so I will try again later.

1 comment:

HollyJa22 said...

Wow you have been busy! Cute pictures. I am glad they finally found the problem with your bowels. God bless. I posted some pretty funny pictures of Caleb if you get a chance to peek. Talk to you later!!