Monday, February 20, 2006

Just another day

Here is just another day in the Howard home. Close your eyes and picture this:

Grace is upstairs. She is screaming to the point of coughing. Yelling "I'm cold! I want to wear clothes!!!" No this isn't some sort of bizzaro punishment for her. A master plan of her's has failed. She has decided that she is opposed to "sweaty pants". Translation: She doesn't want to wear the pants you and I call sweat pants, or pants that don't have a button on them. So, in what she thought was a stroke of pure genius she put all of those pants in the hamper (which are currently in the wash) along with the few pants that she considers to be "not sweaty". *sigh* I hope the neighbors don't hear the screams of "I'm cold. I want to wear clothes!" (she is refusing to wear her pj's too by the way, so she runs into the room screaming in her cute little unders with hearts on them. Her eyes pink, puffy and watery from her fit.) I tell her she can continue to freak out but just not so close to me, she runs off to her room yelling her new mantra "I'm cold, I want to wear pants! I don't like sweaty pants!"

Yes, yes that in and of itself is rather funny but wait I'm not finished with the mental picture yet. Zeke (who we are now taking to calling "Jack,Jack" (if you have seen the Incredibles you know what I mean) is (well was) in the swing crying to the point of coughing (which seems to be a hot Howard child choice of freak out) because he wasn't being held. It's rather funny actually. Because the moment you pick him up he stops-instantly, just like that and then he smiles at you. Then the instant you place him somewhere other than your arms-the instant his little bum touches another surface-purple face screaming insues. *sigh*

And let's not for get about the Asa man. He is a sweet mood today. Following me around with his blanket on one hand and promises of being "my buddie for evah and evah". I look into his eyes one almost swelled shut from some new allergic reaction we haven't figured out yet and give him a kiss. "Grace is really freaking out Mom." he says as he starts in on his chicken and rice (it's what he picked out for breakfast). Then he starts to sing a funny little song to the tune of "Im a little tea pot" one of the lines goes something like this..."Grace is screaming, Zeke-a-baby cryin'. She wants pants, she's freakni' out" All the while supported my his brother and sister doing back up vocals (crying).

One can really do nothing but laugh I suppose. Someday when they are grown I will look back on this day with a fond feelings and wish we were living this day over again...but that day is pretty far off I think.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Niiice. Grace and Isabelle must be sending each other brain waves. She has taken to throwing her clean clothes in her hamper too. Her hamper which is now full and spewing large clothing chunks onto the floor because I'm not a good mommy like you, and I don't do laundry nearly enough. Yep, I just send crying daughter back to room to "pick something that doesn't stink too bad", of course, knowing that she couldn't have gone through 23 shirts in 5 days, I am betting the odds are in favor of her picking something up from the floor that is actually clean, though wrinkled.

You go mommy. I'm inspired by your sense of humor about it all!