Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Snow Day in May

Oh my son. Yesterday was, well, trying to say the least. While I was working on reading with Grace, Asa was playing in the living room. He was quiet-I should have known something was up. He walks in the computer room and says "I've been cleaning Mom!" And before I could turn my head I was thinking..."Mmmmm I like that powder" and I turn and see Asa covered from head to toe in powder. He smiles I instantly get up and walk into the livingroom which has been transformed by a econo-size cotainer of baby powder (it was new too!). The empty container was sitting on the radiator. Walls and carpet were as white as the driven snow......

I wish that was the rest of the story. Asa later decided that my cell phone had issues with dry skin. It was charging up in our bedroom, and when Barnabas came home from work he found it in the middle of the Boy's room covered in lotion....

I wish that was the end of the story. He wanted a snack. I told him "Just a minute"...I came down stairs and he had poured himself a bowl of Katsup and was eating it with a spoon!

That's the end of the least for now.

1 comment:

Paula T said...

Oh my gosh. There are not words to express my sympathy. You are a saint. I don't know what God is trying to do to you, but I will pray he stops!!!!!!!!! I HATE those days!!!!!. wow. and again I say wow.

Wish I were there to hang out with you and laugh with you really. one day we will laugh