Thursday, January 18, 2007

It's Been a Long Week

Well just like last year at this time our house has been hit hard with the stomach flu. It started on Monday morning with Zeke doing his best impression of a fountian right after eating breakfast. I joined the ranks of Zeke that afternoon. Then Tuesday at about 2am I heard the sound of Grace in the bathroom. And Wednesday evening I start round two. So far Asa and Barnabas have been spared, although Barnabas is looking a little green around the edges tonight. So Since I am well enough to vertical I am going to post some pictures and video. Enjoy!


the Stene's said...

Ugh! I hope you all feel better! Getting the stomache flu twice in one week two years in a row has got to qualify you for some kind of award. One that I want to be very far from. Love the knight in training photo!

Paula T said...

I am so sorry you all got sick. How awful. I can't wait to see you!!!