Saturday, September 15, 2007

As you have probably already deduced by the little image we are sick here at the "Compound" (that's what Barn has loving termed our house with it's new living arrangement!). It all started last week when the men of the house (Barnabas & Chris) came down with gastrointestinal woes. The Asa got it, then little Coal got it and topped it off with puking. And the past few days I have been taking my turn. I am having a harder time getting over it it seems. With the whole Crohns's disease thing it makes it more difficult for me to rebound. So what was a 24 hour bug for the rest of the gang ,for me I am currently at 48 hours and still sick. Last night Barn had to take me to urgent care. Not for my stomach but for my knees. They hurt so bad I was in tears. The Dr. said it was peripheral Arthritis. Because I couldn't keep anything in my system I got 2 injections one of steroids and one of a anti-inflammatory. It was magic. In a half hour the burning ache had been reduced to just a minor annoyance. Having gone through this small bit of pain I can only imagine how my father-in-law made it through all those years with his hips in such a bad way! So hopefully I am the last of the crew to be sick and we will have a healthy fall!

1 comment:

Paula T said...

get better soon!!!!