Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Tears on the First Day.......

I pulled up in the school parking lot anxious to get Grace. While waiting my turn and I spy Grace through a small crowd of teachers-she is crying. One of the teachers seeks away to tell me (in English- the teachers cannot speak English with students present) "She didn't think you were going to pick her up!" she whispered. Turns out they were trying to figure out what carpool she was in (she isn't currently) so Grace thought she had to have a stranger drive her home. Poor girl! Earlier in the day they put all the scissors in a box, then the teacher redistributed them (it keeps kids who aren't able to afford the fancy stuff from feeling on the outside.) It appears that I didn't quite explain this well enough to Grace. So when another girl ended up with her pink handled scissors her heart was broken. I just looked in her "Home" folder and saw her first worksheet. A big red star on the lower left side. Grace knows how to read Chinese number characters 1-5. So now she lays on the couch with her brother who on the way to picking her up said "It's just not more funner to not have Grace around." I asked Grace what she thought of school she said, "It's not as much fun as I thought it would be. It's kinda hard." I told her that going ot school is hard work and that she would get used to it soon. She said, "Yeah, I think so."


Brandee said...

That must have been hard on her. Did the teacher even try to explain in english why she couldn't have the scissors? How would you understand that in a different language?

the Stene's said...

How did the next day go? Isabelle wants to know if Grace likes the scissors she ended up with? Love the pictures!