Tuesday, May 06, 2008

It's been a while...

No we are actually rather happy folks! :) Barn caught us with rather unhappy looks. The picture actuall made me laugh when I saw it (we look so cranky!) so I had to post it.
Zeke loving his oatmeal.
Photo by Zeke.
Our friends Jake and Diana (and their little guy Bridger) came for a visit. Diana and I took the crew to the Science Museum.

Hey Y'all! Yeah, I totally got caught up in "getting back to normal". Sorry I have neglected the blog. I know my Mom called asking for pictures the other day, so here are a few. I am going to get some video of Grace playing her violin and some photos of the boys helping me with the garden (when it stops raining which is supposed to be Thursday! Dang.) Nothing too exciting around here. Grace is looking forward to being done with school and then she and Asa are going to go camp and me and the big Z will have mornings to ourselves! It is "Taco Tuesday" here at the Compound, the whole house gets together and brings something, sorta taco "Stone Soup" if you will. We are celebrating Chris surviving another year of art school. Oh I don't remember if I posted this already but the Wards have found themselves a great apartment in Minneapolis. They will be saving about $250 a month in gas being close to Chris' school. We will miss them but will enjoy the added space. Grace is anxious to get her own room. She is talking pink and lavender walls. :) I will post the before and after photos.

1 comment:

Team Davis said...

I love the photo of Asa by Zeke. It's captures are great moment. Tell Asa, Scott, Avery, and I would like to try tee-off soccer. Also, what day where they playing soccer? I really hope it wasn't this week because they are wearing hats and gloves!