Friday, December 22, 2006

Cute Stuff

Well we are living life with out a TV. I miss my good friend Mr. Television. He helped me keep my sanity during the witching hour in which I make dinner and wish Barnabas home. Its like kids know "Hey! Mom is stressed and cooking, it will be a bit before Dad gets home lets get crazy!" So my friend Mr. "T" would mellow the children by telling them stories of Curious George. But now they chase each other about running into the kitchen doing laps around the kitchen island screaming while Zeke squeezes him self into small spaces and gets stuck.

Long intro to say we have started family games. I was sitting with the kids this morning and we were playing "Memory" when the questions started. Here is a brief snippet:

Asa: "Mom?"

"Yes Asa?"

Asa: Will there be toys in heaven?"

"Yeah, I'm sure there will be."

Asa: "Oh. Will there be coffee in heaven?"

"Yeah, I think so."

Asa: "How about food? Will there be food?"

"Yep. The good stuff too. In heaven you will get to eat pizza with cheese on it."

Asa: "Cool. Will there be toys in heaven?"


Asa: "Do you think they will have games there too?"

"Yeah, I think they will."

Asa: : Ok. Hey look 2 air planes!" He says as he decides to continue with the game.

1 comment:

Paula T said...

what happened to the tv???