Thursday, December 07, 2006


Our batteries have died on our camera and my next big shopping trip to Target is tomorrow. But I do have some funny stories to tell! Here you go...

Just Say No...
So I got my hair cut. Its not too crazy just got the back trimmed up a bit. It kinda has a 1930's look to it. I like it. I think it's cute. Anyway, Barnabas gets home from his work meeting and I ask him what he thinks. Here is how the conversation went (about an hour after he gets home):

Me: "So, what do you think of my hair?"

(10-15 second pause while he looks at my hair)

Barnabas: "'s. (pause) It's not styled right?"

Me: "Well, no. But this is close to how it's going to look." (I am grinning internally because I think its kinda funny to watch him flounder).

Barnabas: "It's...yeah. Yeah. I mean, It''s not fixed right? I mean this isn't how it's going to look, right?"

(I just sit there and look at him, waiting.)

Barnabas: "I like it. Yeah because....yeah. It will be styled and yeah, it will be cute."

First Steps
Zeke has finally taken his first steps! He had been playing on our rocking chair and would stand up on it trying to get it to rock. He doesn't walk but man he can climb! So I had told him "no" and to sit down and all he does is grin and try shaking the rocking chair. So I go get him place him standing in the middle of the floor as I turn the rocker around. I take a step back and with out even thinking he takes 2 steps then falls! We all cheer and set him up to walk again. It takes a couple tries but he takes 4 in a row then drops to the floor. We all cheer. He is pretty impressed with himself. We stand him up and he stands there looking at us. He gets that little mischievous twinkle in his eye and drops to the floor! He slaps both hands on the floor throws his head back and lets out a huge belly laugh! He is laughing so hard that his eyes begin to water! He thinks he is so funny. We try to stand him up and again he drops to the floor and rolls on the floor laughing! Where did I get this boy from?

Christmas Countdown
So now that we have the Christmas Tree up which leads to this question every morning and after every nap "Mom is it Christmas today?". After about a week of this it got a bit old. So I decided to make and "Advent Chain". The kids and I cut red and green strips of paper and wrote fun activities on them. Then we glued them in circles linked to each other (hence "chain"). So now everyday there is a wee activity for the kids to do. Like today it was a dance party so the turned on the tunes and boogied down Zeke even joined in! I wish I knew how to post video! He is quite the rump shaker!


the Stene's said...

That's awesome. If you want to go super short, just call me! Meanwhile Barnabas and Scott can start a support group. Love the Christmas countdown idea.

Paula T said...

I love the comments from Barnabas. Just about peed myself. But I want to see your hair now!!!!! Yay for Zeke walking!!!!!

Lydia kept do the presents get under the tree? "well, people bring them to the house and we put them under the treee". "ya, but how do they get there?"

hmmmmmmm....I don't know Lydia?